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Copyright 2009-2010 by
Mary Brotherton
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Inside my Brain

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

All work and no play...yada, yada, yada! I spent the day editing, with minor distractions and came home feeling not so tired, but not so invigorated.

My house was empty, except for a cat who protested when he saw me pick up my bike helmet. After I fed him, I set out for parts unknown. I wanted to ride, because I promised myself I would ride my bicycle every day. If Hank can do it, I can do it!

I decided to ride down to check out the sound wall that is under construction, because I thought it might be further along than the last time I was there, when I saw the Great Blue Heron. I was right.

I video taped the sounds of the interstate for the paper's facebook page and as I did, I noticed a dark thunderhead moving along the horizon. A flash of lightning mesmerized me and put me on cautious lookout. I could tell the storm was a distance away but I know they can move quickly and change directions. After video taping some of the thunder sounds and the movement of the storm, I came home.

Still, the house was empty and I wandered around wondering what I could photograph to signify my day.

That's when I remembered that Curtis had changed his lamp from blue to green.

Here it is.